B2S Tips

           Many of you may be starting another year at the same school and some of you may be moving onto new schools, where you get to meet new people and have new experiences. Some of you guys might be scared because you might not know anyone and you are worried that you won’t make any friends. Well don’t worry; I am sure you will make friends because I have been in that situation a few times in my life. I don’t blame you if you are absolutely terrified but take that leap of faith and talk to people around, or at least people in your classes but don’t forget to be yourself!
            Another tip when you are starting a new school is to keep yourself organised. One way of doing this is to make ‘to-do lists’. Then once you’ve done something on that list, you can cross it off or tick it; giving you a sense of achievement, making you more willing to complete the other tasks.
            Also, you can be organised by doing all work on the day given to you. So enough procrastinating and just do it. This means you will not need to worry and stress about the work last minute. Without this last minute stress you can get a good nights sleep allowing you to be fresh in the morning; making you able to absorb everything you learn the next day. However, even if you finish all your work early, don’t use your phones and other gadgets too much. You may of finished all you work and you may think you have nothing to do but do some revision instead of being bored and scrolling through every social media website.

            Whilst on the subject of revision, one way of keeping you from falling asleep is to have a healthy snack. Also, make sure you bring or buy enough food to keep your body awake and it is important to keep your body hydrated to keep you awake throughout the day. When doing work, you can put some music on. Many people can concentrate more with music on; as this allows them to block out any outside noise. However, don’t put music on that will distract you, play music that you can’t sing along to so you brain can concentrate on the work and not the song.

Those are a couple of my back to school tips, I wish all the people going to school, college or university a very big good luck.

Have a lovely day.

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