Summer is Coming Soon
Hey Guys,
By the title of this post it sounds like something really interesting is going to happen in Summer; well sorry to disappoint but not much is happening in my personal opinion. There are many plans being organised at the moment which you may find very fun and exciting so don't worry I will take you on that adventure with me. I want to make this summer the best yet; I have quite a bit planned and I know the organising will take up a lot of my summer but I'm sure it will be worth it.
I am so excited for the summer where there is nothing to do but relax but of course we have to go through the struggle of exams first. I'm not sure if many of you know but I am in my last year of college so this is the most important year as it is the decision year of whether I get into university or not. Many of you have started your exams and I just wish you the best of luck for the other exams you will have. Just work hard and you will get the grade that you deserve. For those doing coursework courses, my advice to you is, keep going! You can do this. If you concentrate and knuckle down for about a week or even a month it will totally make a difference. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it so work hard and the outcome will be success.
Whether you are still in education or not I just want to remind you, DO NOT STRESS! Stress is like carrying an umbrella even when it is not raining. Why carry this load when you can just enjoy the sun? So relax enjoy the ride, work hard and remember the amount of success you have is dependent on how much work you put in.
Top: Bershka
Dungarees: Philippines
Shoes: Nike
Have a lovely day.