Happy New Year!
Hey Guys,
Well we have come to that time of year where we say goodbye to the memories and we welcome new ones. Above are 16 photos that really sum up my 2016. I have achieved so much this year, from organising 2 amazing events, to setting up an apparel to raise money for charity. Not only that but for you guys I have set up a new series #JJStylesMen and Kids of course. I became brave and did #JJs24DaysOfXmas in which I thought I would never of been able to do, but anything is possible when you put your heart and mind into it. 2016 will be a year that I will never forget. A year where I made friendships that I hope will last a lifetime. This year went by so quickly, so many doors were opened for me and I just can't explain to you how much I am grateful for all of it to have happened. Thank you to all the friends and family that were with me every step of the way and I hope you will be with me through 2017.
It is so exciting that the year is coming to an end because a new chapter is about to begin for all of us. Whether 2016 wasn't as great for you, it is all okay, this is your chance to show 2016 what it was missing. 2017 will for sure be a good one, if you make it a good one. Honestly, I don't want to make new years resolutions because by the end of the year I would of forgotten them but this year I'm going to try and stick to one; and that is to take everyday with a smile on my face. No matter what happens I want to stay positive because every day is a new opportunity. Though it all sounds like a lump of cheese, I really do mean it. I want to be positive, to remove all negative vibes and be to happy sharing the positivity with the people I love and care about. I hope this inspires you to do the same.
This is our year, make it a year to remember!
Have a lovely day.