Dear Santa
Hey Guys,
So today's blog post is a weird one, I always seem to say that but it really is weird this time. I have complied a few letters written to Santa for what people want this Christmas. All I said to my friends and family was, can I have a copy of your letter to Santa. They looked at me confused especially because most of these people were over the age of 18. Many asked me why but once I convinced them they asked, 'hmm what am I suppose to write?' To me that was strange, like have these people never written a letter to Santa before? I was the one who ended up confused but anyway I said the obvious, 'ya know, write what you want this Christmas just as if you were 5 again.' They all agreed well most of them and here is what I got. (Don't click out, I promise I have a point, just skip to the middle if you can't be bothered)

So today's blog post is a weird one, I always seem to say that but it really is weird this time. I have complied a few letters written to Santa for what people want this Christmas. All I said to my friends and family was, can I have a copy of your letter to Santa. They looked at me confused especially because most of these people were over the age of 18. Many asked me why but once I convinced them they asked, 'hmm what am I suppose to write?' To me that was strange, like have these people never written a letter to Santa before? I was the one who ended up confused but anyway I said the obvious, 'ya know, write what you want this Christmas just as if you were 5 again.' They all agreed well most of them and here is what I got. (Don't click out, I promise I have a point, just skip to the middle if you can't be bothered)

Now you are probably confused about why did I actually ask a bunch of people who are not children to write letters to Santa. Well read through them carefully. What do they all have in common? If you don't have a clue, read the one below.
What is so inspiring about this one is that she didn't ask for anything materialistic and she also wished for something for the people who she cares about. She shared her wishes and wants for the year and this is what we need to do more of. We need to give more whether it be literal things or wishes and prayers. We need to be more of what is below:

Now I ask you, what is different about this one compared to the others?
This letter came from the heart. She didn't ask for anything materialistic, she didn't ask for any problems to go away or for her to magically be an amazing dancer. She asked for strength, motivation and dedication. Things that can't be given to her in her hands on Christmas Day.
We're all guilty of wanting or even needing materialistic things because these things make us feel something, but for a short period of time. We feel a sense of satisfaction when we have the newest gadgets or a sense of pleasure or relaxation in having the newest game. And yes that's okay. It's okay to want to relax after a long day of work and play the new Call of duty or Fifa 18 game and it's okay to have the iPhone X to help you with work.
But we have to think about the bigger picture. Yes it isn't wrong to want something materialistic, we're only human it can't be helped. But think about what you want in life then think about how to achieve them and boom you have your New Years resolution, you're welcome.
But no that wasn't the point of this blog post, I wanted you guys to think. Think about the materialistic things that you want and ask yourself, do I really need it? Does it help with my future goals? If it doesn't on the other hand and you still need it to relax or if it lets you spend quality time with friends or family then sure treat yourself. It's okay no one is judging.
What I'm trying to get you guys to do is to think twice about your wants in life especially if it's materialistic.
It's harder to do what you want if lets say your job is not what you want to do or if you want to live in a tropical country but can't because how are you gonna fund for it. Well things like this are a lil more difficult. If you are really passionate about quitting your job and doing your dream job then try. Go out, educate yourself or apply for that new job, there's no point in being unhappy. Yeah the world we live in is tough but you'll survive.
So I tell you now, instead of wanting or needing something, go out there either go get it or move onto something more beneficial for your future. But don't go saving all the fun for the future, I mean you live in the present right, so go have fun now.
And on that note I wish you all a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays and enjoy tomorrow. Love you all and thank you for sticking around on this blogging journey of mine.
Have a lovely day & Happy Holidays.