If only you knew | Depression

Hey Guys,

Okay so today we're going right into the deep end and we're talking about depression. 
Depression is something that means quite a lot to me as I know a few people who have struggled with this demon in the past and some still struggling with it now. According to mind.org "Depression is a low mood that lasts for a long time, and affects your everyday life." It is different from feeling down or sad. The mental health organisation says that "a person experiencing depression will experience intense emotions of anxiety, hopelessness, negativity and the feelings stay with them instead of going away."  

Depression doesn't have one cause or one symptom. It is usually triggered by some life event or can even be inherited. Childhood experiences, anger, life events such as divorce or even losing someone dear can trigger depression. Although these causes may sound like they can disappear and many may say it is just unhappiness over a long period of time, well often not. I know many of you reading this may not believe in this 'depression' thing but believe me it's happening around us and often to the people we least expect it from.

A close friend of mine describes it as "an uncontrollable endless void where somedays you just about get by but the other days it is as if the end is here and there's nothing but bad in your life." Another close person in my life said "it is lonely, all you feel is loneliness and that there is something that is just not right. You don't feel yourself. All alone with this person or thing you know nothing about." 

This endless battle with the demons within their heads can be a very painful phase. As my friend says depression "consumes you and controls you which is why many choose to end their pain."

Some symptoms of depression include physical scars, avoiding social events that they usually enjoy, low spirits, restlessness or aggravated behaviour and isolation. There are many others and they can differ from person to person. Not only that but there are different types of depression in which I will not go into detail but you can get more information here

For those who know someone with depression the best thing you can do is what Anna Akana said in her video "listen with compassion and try not to provide a solution." A person with depression wants to be heard so let them talk when they are ready. We learn this from 13 reasons why. People suffering from depression just want someone to talk to and to not feel alone. Allow the person to feel reassured that they are not alone because loneliness can make things much worse. If they do want to be alone, let them, just ensure that they are safe. 

If it is you that is suffering with depression, hi my name is Jessie my contact details are in the menu bar at the top left corner. If ever you feel that you don't have anyone to talk to well then hi I'll be here for you. It may seem like depression has control over your life but my friend I assure you that you are in control just take life a day at a time. Surround yourself with friends and family, talk to people, tell them how you feel, describe your emotions, never just keep it to yourself. If you don't like how someone is helping you, tell them. You are the one feeling these emotions so your opinion matters. Not every solution will be helpful for everyone.

Just remember that you are not alone, there are people who want to help you, just ask. You will get through this and you will fight the demons in your head.

I hope this helped and gave others a better understanding.
Have a lovely day.

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