If you only knew | How to SAVE MONEY as a STUDENT
Hey Guys,
So this ones for my fellow uni students. Tomorrow most of you should be getting student finance or probably have already got it and now ya'll gonna spend it all in one go cause ya know soon schools out right?
Well I suggest not.
There is approximately 5 months till you get your next student finance drop. That is 5 months of summer; 5 months of going out and having fun in the sun, maybe even going on holiday. You're probably thinking it's fine I don't need to pay rent, food or for anything for that matter. And for those who are thinking, yup I don't go out, I won't spend any money, well then good for you, I guess that is one way of saving money.
For those who think I don't need to pay rent. Well my friend, have you thought about your deposit for your next student accommodation? How about that first week where you have to come in and student finance hasn't dropped yet because they are checking your attendance? And also have you thought about your stomach? That darn stomach always asking for food when you're out and have no food at hand but a load of money in your bank account.
If you are part of that (quite large population) that stays at home then you don't need to read on. But if you are like myself then hey let me help you out this summer.
First things first, you do have a place to stay for next semester right? If not I suggest you look after reading this post. For those who have started looking do you know how much your deposit is? If so, keep it to the side. Make sure you put all the money you need for rent/ deposits and maybe a little extra for that first week in September. Keep that all to the side, maybe in another bank account if possible. Next is any withstanding loans you have with your friends or parents, ya know you might wanna pay them back first.
Now finally we get to the not so great part. With this remaining balance divide it by 5 for the amount of months obviously. Whatever that number is, say it is £286.24 then round it down just so you have extra money at hand when September rolls around, trust me you'll thank your past self. So using that example I would allow myself for £280 a month and for those months where I was being antisocial and didn't use up my whole budget I would save it. Then your future future self will really be thanking you.
I hope this has helped just a little bit because I know times can be tough but so are you.
Have a lovely day.