Mandala Nail Art

Hey Guys,

Finally after so long I bring to you a nail art design. It's been so long since I've been able to paint my nails and take time to actually do them. 
For this nail art design I used Essie's 263 Full Steamahead and Essence's nail and cuticle tattoo liner. I love using Essie nail polish as the pigmentation is great, you only need one coat for the whole nail. I think for this design I used 2 as I wanted them to be bright in order to see the black design. The 263 nail polish has glitter pigments within making your nail shine even more in the sun. I'm actually unsure if they still sell this as it was part of their summer campaign last year, but do have a look as I would love to know. This nail polish also came with a pink and green both with glitter within the polish. 
Now this tattoo liner. I love it soo much. It does the job, allows you to draw whatever you want. I would say that the difficulty I had was at the beginning. It was difficult as the nib is a a hard brush. Depending on how you slant the pen, you can get different lines. The more upright you hold the pen the thiner the line. Before doing your nails try the pen out on a colour wheel. All I did was paint the nails and then I started designing them. Once you get the hang of it you'll be able to do all your nails. I opted for two on each hand just because my left hand in drawing the design had a lot of difficulty; so I had to keep it simple. 

I hope you like these lil reviews on a Thursday, I may do more of them so let me know what you think of them.

Have a lovely day.

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