Doors. Doors. Doors.

Hey Guys,

I'm sure everyone knows the saying; as one door closes another one opens. So many opportunities are arising and others are coming to an end. As the year is almost up many opportunities are coming to an end. But fear not, 2017 is just around the corner and new opportunities are on there way. Next month is christmas month and I am soooo excited but for now we'll stick to some fall/ autumn posts before we open the door for christmas. 
Since it is autumn we need to keep warm and well the most important part of keeping warm is a coat of course. My coat here in the photo is from Zara which I love as it has literally been with me everywhere. I have recently bought a new coat also from Zara which you will see in the next coming weeks. I love coats that are very elegant but have a youth type of tone to it. Coats like this I usually wear boots or boot heels like the ones in the pictures above. Though my feet were in pain by the end of the day I struggled through just to look decent. 
I have recently found a love for scarves, but they have to be huge and look like blankets. During the cold season it is fun to wrap yourself up like a burrito to prevent getting colds and flus. Not only does a giant scarf keep you warm but it looks good too. You can wear it like a normal scarf or you can wear it like a poncho. It is perfect for the autumn time where no one really knows or cares about what you are wearing underneath your huge coat. Meaning accessories like scarves are an essential. If you don't like scarves get a big fluffy coat just to keep your neck warm. You want to keep your neck warm otherwise you can catch a cold very quickly.
Sorry this is quite a short post, I'll be having another on thursday so don't worry. See ya then. 

Coat: Zara
Top: H&M
Jeans: New Look
Scarf: Accessorize
Shoes: USC
Bag: Topshop

Find out where Harry's outfit is from next time :) 

Have a lovely day.

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