DAY 1 | #JJs24DaysOfXmas Challenge
DAY 1!
Hey Guys,
Hey Guys,
Welcome to the 24 days of Xmas Blogging Challenge that I have bestowed upon myself because why not. Since it is the christmas season I thought I should spoil you guys and give you a blog post every single day until Christmas. So here we go, good luck to me. If you like this series please let me know, give me a follow by clicking the button on the right or let me know through my social media. I will try my very hardest to keep up with this challenge and will most likely post at 6pm everyday except Sundays where you will get your usual 10am post. If you are just as excited as I am for this challenge or for Christmas, let me know by using the hashtag below.
Since it is thursday I'm bringing back #JustDessert for you for this festive season. We're starting off this challenge and Christmas with Gingerbread men.

To make these weird looking gingerbread men all you will need is:
-175g of plain flour
-100g butter
-2 3/4 teaspoons ground ginger
-3/4 teaspoons ground cinnamon
-1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
-87g soft light brown sugar
-2 tablespoons golden syrup
-1 small egg
-First you want to preheat your oven to 190C and place greaseproof paper on 2 baking trays.
-Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda, ground ginger, ground cinnamon and butter into a bowl. Mix it altogether till it becomes crumbly.
-Add the sugar, syrup and egg until it forms a dough.
-Clear some space on the work surface, lay some flour down and start rolling out the dough. Roll it out about 5mm thick and take your gingerbread men cutter and start cutting out the men.
-Once your happy with them place them on the tray and knead the dough again and repeat till you have around roughly 20 medium sized cookies.
-Bake for 12 minutes, removed from oven once it's golden brown. It will be slightly soft but don't fear they will harden once they cool.

This is my attempt of them, I hope you will attempt it too and show me how you get on.
Have a lovely day.