DAY 3 | Puppy Goes For a Walk

DAY 3!

Hey Guys,

I'm back with Eevee, I know y'all love her more than me so I thought I'd bring her back for you. It is officially day 3 of this Xmas blogging Challenge and it feels like Christmas is just around the corner and everyone is finally getting into the Christmas spirit. I love the fact that so many people have put up a tree already and decorated their houses before December has even started. Every year the UK becomes more festive whether it be for halloween or for Christmas the UK just adapts the lifestyle of the Americans. I'm not saying this is bad, I mean I love it! It is great it means in the next few years we can go all out with the decor.

But anyway, I hope everyone is having a great day 3 of the Christmas season. I bring to you another day with the pup. If you don't know where this is let me enlighten you. This is Greenwich Park, one of the most famous parks in London due to the Royal Observatory and Prime Meridian Line being located here. Greenwich Park is the place where you will find so many dogs, so if you want to run into some really cute dogs go to Greenwich Park. Not only that but if you honestly if you want to get fit and have a workout then this park is seriously the one for you as it is such a huge park with many steep slopes. 

Hanging out with a dog is great fun. It honestly takes your mind of life. Maybe that is just because you have time for yourself and get to think and walk but it really allows you to let go of the stresses in your life at that moment in time. So I genuinely recommend going for walks whether you have a dog or not, to let go of the stress of the day and to pause and enjoy life.

So on that note I hope you have a brilliant day and I shall see you tomorrow.


Have a lovely day.

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