DAY 2 | Fave Part of Xmas

DAY 2!

It is day 2 of the #JJs24DaysOfXmas Challenge and today is #FaveFriday where I tell you my favourite things about a specific Christmas topic. Today's topic is:
 My Fave part of Christmas. 

For those who know me, understand my love for Christmas; for those who don't know me as well, let me tell you a little secret. *whispers* I love Christmas more than my own birthday. I know right I'm weird, I understand. 
Everything about Christmas excites me; yes as a student it is super hard because 
gifts + no money = struggles
 but it's okay that's what DIY gifts are for right.  I understand that Christmas is not all about presents and material things but I enjoy giving. I enjoy thinking of what to give a person; putting that time and effort to try and make a person smile is what Christmas is all about. 
Yes I know CHEESE but it is true, thinking of what to give people and making/ buying these gifts are literally one of my favourite thing about Christmas. 
Disclaimer! Christmas is not all about presents, it is about appreciation and spending time with people you care about. This is also another favourite of mine; as Christmas is a time where you do nothing, where your mind is not on work or school and it is just on having fun and eating. A weird favourite for me about Christmas is gammon! I loveee Christmas gammon it's just a must in our family for Christmas. During Christmas the only thing that should be on your mind is food. Whether it be for your stomach or your family/ friend's tummy. Food can bring up many conversations and allow you to have a great time. So eat and eat and eat and enjoy your Christmas. If you ever have any spare food, pack it away and give it to those who need it the most. So share your christmas happiness and feel the true meaning of christmas. 

Have a lovely day.

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