Time To Tidy

Hey Guys,

Summer is here and well it's not too late for a spring clean! A few weeks ago I finished my A-Levels and to prepare me for the next stage of my life I had a little clean out. 
Whether you have your own house or just your own room; it is important to do a lil spring clean. Rearranging and decluttering allows you to get rid of the things that you don't need or want. If you don't declutter, things will continue to pile up creating a space such as your room into a place you no longer want to be in. Your room or house is a place where you should feel comfortable and relaxed. A place where you should not feel stressed or anxious so clearing out is like being able to clear your mind. You get to sort through all your belongings and get to make a decision whether this object is doing you good or just clogging up your life. 
The older you get the more things you collect; some may be important but others may need to be thrown into the bin. So take that chance, put some rubber gloves on and put a black bin or two in your hand and I promise you will feel better about yourself and what you have achieved. Your room will feel like yours. Personalise it in any manner to suit your needs and your personality. You can do this by; hanging up pictures, painting your walls or even matching all your curtains and beddings. 
My room is currently in renovation still but I'm currently on holiday and I have an event in September so it's a bit messy but I will definitely post some photos when it is all finished. The first few photos are of what it looked like before and it progresses onto what it looked like when clearing out and finally what one corner looks like. I will post what the other parts of my room once some of the furniture I am waiting for comes in.
Well anyway, I hope you try and have a clean out and I will see you next week, good luck to all those that take a chance. 

Denim Shirt: Bershka
Crop Top: New Look
Shorts: Philippines

Before I go I want to dedicate this post to 2 people, you know who you are and I want to say Happy Birthday. I hope you both have an AMAZING day! Hey Missy thanks for reading my blog every week and checking my grammar hehe anyway miss you both loads and see you soon xx

For everyone else, make the most of this week, enjoy it and keep smiling! 
Have a lovely day.

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